David Rankin is a Cleveland Institute of Art graduate who is known for his exceptional sense of design, bold and distinctive use of color, and masterful handling of watercolor. His work is often described as “painterly” or impressionistic as it captures the essence of his subjects with greater expression and freedom. Rankin's paintings have been featured in the North Light series, "Splash: The Best of Watercolor" and "Strokes of Genius: The Best of Drawing." His paintings have also promoted conservation for organizations such as the Smithsonian’s Conservation Biology Institute, the International Crane Foundation, Cleveland Metroparks Zoo, and the Wild Bird Society of Japan. David is a distinguished member of the Society of Animal Artists, the Ohio Watercolor Society, and Artists for Conservation. Additionally, he has authored and illustrated several books, including "Beaks & More" and "Fast Sketching" for North Light Books. He has also illustrated "A Guide to the Cranes of India" for the Bombay Natural History Society.